寄郎屋 活動報告
Finally, the day of the harvest festival arrived!
The participants were divided into different groups, each responsible for making, boiling, and serving the buckwheat noodles. It was truly impressive to see everyone teaching, talking, and laughing with one another.
About 20 community members attended the event and enjoyed the soba noodles, which were served with gobo-ten (fried burdock root), kamaboko (fish cake), and green onions. The aroma and flavor of the buckwheat noodles could be fully appreciated.
I was surprised to learn that we had to carry out the entire process—from growing the buckwheat to making the noodles—but it was inspiring to see everyone working so efficiently and smoothly.
The wonderful harvest festival, filled with smiles, was successfully completed. I am already looking forward to the next activity!
寄郎屋 活動報告
蕎麦あやし作業 地域住民も参加する収穫祭に向けて
いよいよ、蕎麦の収穫祭に向けた活動が終盤となりました。今回は、「蕎麦あやし」を実施しました。シートの上に蕎麦を集めて、二股の木の棒で叩きます。木の棒は、各自作って持ってこられました。打ち合わせなしでも、各自できることを見つけ、和気あいあいと活動されていました。メンバーの方に「経験があるのですか?」と聞くと、「ないよ、大体想像できるだろ」と言われました。私は全く想像つきませんでした (笑)。
Preparations for the soba harvest festival have begun.
This time, the focus was on "soba ayashi." The soba noodles were gathered on a sheet and threshed using a wooden stick split into two halves. Each participant made and brought their own stick. Even without prior planning, everyone found something to contribute, and the event was conducted in a friendly and cooperative manner.
When I asked one of the participants, "Do you have any experience?" he replied, "No, I can imagine most of it." Personally, I couldn’t imagine it at all!
On December 14, they will also invite local residents and serve soba noodles. I’m really looking forward to it!
寄郎屋 1周年 11月28日 総会の開催
On November 28, Yoroya proudly held its first-anniversary general meeting and reception.
The general meeting was honored by the presence of Village Mayor Nakatake, Vice Chairperson Yamazaki, and the chiefs of relevant departments.
All members expressed their heartfelt relief and gratitude upon learning that their future activities would be strongly supported by the local government.
The reception, as expected, was a resounding success. Most notably, it provided a valuable and meaningful opportunity for members of the administration, local residents, and researchers to come together, exchange ideas, and share their visions for the future.
寄郎屋 10月11月の活動報告
10月の寄郎屋の活動は主に竹炭販売の準備でした。また19.20日に開催されたMizukami outsidefestivalにて、竹炭販売を実施しております。なお、竹炭の使い方について、メンバーが資料を作ってくれています。水上村立水上学園より2年生の生活科の授業で、寄郎屋の見学に小学生がきてくれました。地域で行われている活動を知るという授業内容のようで、そこに選んで頂いたことが非常に嬉しいですね。
Yoroya main activity in October was selling bamboo charcoal. The bamboo charcoal was sold at the“Mizukami Festival,” held in Mizukami Village on October 19 and 20. Members also prepared materials to demonstrate various applications for bamboo charcoal. Additionally, elementary school students from Mizukami Village visited Yoroya as part of their second-grade life science class. We were delighted they chose us for their visit, during whichthey learned about our local activities.
In November, at the request of the village’s elementary school, Yoroya members taught bamboocrafts to children during the 'Mizukami Kids Time Tunnel,' an event organized for elementary school students. The children enjoyed hands-on activities, learning how to make a “bamboo dragonfly” and a“yajirobe” under our guidance.
preparations began for making soba noodles. When I went to help harvest the buckwheat field, Iwas amazed to see the work completed in just 10 minutes. It was truly a display of skilledcraftsmanship.
寄郎屋 8月9月の活動報告
In August, the Yoroya members carried out various activities, starting in the early morning with preparations for the buckwheat fields, also as a measure to prevent heatstroke. Indoors, they enjoy a healthy game of mahjong. Other activities have also become more varied, such as woodworking to make tables for the barbecue. Of course, the regular birthday party was also held. We all enjoyed grilled squid, brought in by a member who had gone squid fishing.
In September, we finally started preparing to sell bamboo charcoal. Bamboo charcoal is useful in many ways in our daily lives. We hope you will all buy some.
9月7日(土)に日本心理学会第88回大会にて、伊藤PJと柳澤PJの合同シンポジウムを開催しました。「孤独‧孤⽴の予防に基礎研究は貢献できるのか? 心理学・神経科学の可能性」と題し、豊島 彩 先生(島根大学)、柳澤 邦昭 先生(神戸大学)、福光 甘斎 先生(藤田医科大学)、伊藤 文人(東北大学)が発表者として登壇し、指定討論者としてJST-RISTEX社会的孤立枠総括の浦 光博 先生(追手門学院大学)ならびに五十嵐 祐 先生(名古屋大学)にご登壇いただきました。2番目に広い会場にもかかわらず立ち見が出るなか、最先端の研究発表と非常に鋭い指定討論で大いに盛り上がりました。
On Saturday, September 7, a joint symposium by the Ito Project and the Yanagisawa Project was held at the 88th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Psychological Association. Titled "Can Basic Research Contribute to the Prevention of Loneliness and Social Isolation? The Potential of Psychology and Neuroscience," the symposium featured presentations by Professor Aya Toyoshima (Shimane University), Professor Kuniaki Yanagisawa (Kobe University), Professor Kansai Fukumitsu (Fujita Health University), and Ayahito Ito (Tohoku University). The designated discussants were Professor Mitsuhiro Ura (Otemon Gakuin University), Head of the JST-RISTEX Social Isolation Program, and Professor Tasuku Igarashi (Nagoya University). Despite being held in the second largest venue, the symposium was filled to standing room only, and the presentations of cutting-edge research and highly insightful discussions created a lively and engaging session.
寄郎屋 6月7月の活動報告
Summer in Mizukami Village, Kumamoto Prefecture, is extremely hot. In June and July at Yoroya, mahjong, woodworking activities, and meetings were held indoors due to the rain, which made outdoor activities difficult and also helped prevent heat stroke. At the meeting, a buckwheat harvest festival was planned for November or early December. Local people will be invited and served buckwheat noodles. Shed activities that are rooted in the local community are wonderful. The members, who usually don't mow the grass, have bought a mower at a reasonable price. We are looking forward to the harvest festival
6月14日 国際シンポジウム開催@ノッティンガムトレント大学
6月14日(火)ノッティンガムトレント大学にて、国際シンポジウムを開催いたしました。International Centre for Community-based Loneliness Prevention (ICCLP)の設立を記念した一般公開シンポジウム「1st International Symposium on Social Identity and Loneliness: Community-based approaches to loneliness reduction」となります。
6月11日 第1回国際セミナー開催@東北大学
講師:Clifford Stevenson教授(ノッティンガムトレント大学)
6月11日(火)ノッティンガムトレント大学のClifford Stevenson教授をお招きして、第1回国際セミナーを開催いたしました。オンサイト・オンライン合わせて80名ほどの方にご参加いただきました。ご参加くださった皆様、どうもありがとうございました。
寄郎屋 4月5月の活動報告
In April and May, we focused on meetings, making charcoal, creating flower beds around the shed, and preparing for various activities. As Yoroya approaches its first rainy season and summer, we are also getting ready for indoor activities. This is necessary because outdoor activities will be limited during the rainy season, and the risk of heatstroke is high in the summer.
One of our members happily reported, "When I went for a health check-up, my numbers and vascular age had improved!" While it’s unclear if there’s a direct correlation with the activities at Yoroya, I hope that all members can continue to enjoy their time healthily and joyfully, and build positive relationships.
In June, we will finally start "soba making." I'm looking forward to it.
2024年4月18日(木)に大阪にて伊藤代表と髙島グループリーダーがイギリスメンズ・シェッド協会(UKMSA)CEOのCharlie Bethelさんと打ち合わせを行いました。Charlieさんからイギリスのシェッド運営の状況や協会の取り組み、今後の流れなどについて詳しくご説明をいただき、日本での取り組みの支援や効果検証に係る連携についてご協力をいただけることになりました。Charlieさんは国際車いすバスケットボール連盟の役員を務めており、パラリンピック予選の会場にてお話を伺うことができました。
寄郎屋 2月の活動報告
Yoroya activities in February were quite busy.
There was the primary school students' experience of building a bamboo charcoal oven and making pizza, cleaning up the mountain where we received the bamboo, weaving datsu to store bamboo charcoal on a rainy day, the start of the fishing circle activities, and at the end of the month a birthday party for the members born in February.
At the birthday party we had a BBQ without beef, pork or chicken!
Deer and wild boar were prepared by the members. I brought Matsuo Jingisukan, a souvenir from Sapporo. And as usual, there was time for us to passionately bounce our thoughts off each other, making us feel like cool grown-up men.
And we have two more members. It looks like we will have a new activity group. Yoroya potential is too great.
2月1日 水上村
内閣官房 孤立孤独対策室より取材
On 1 February 2024, Yoroya, a community hut in Mizukami Village, was interviewed by the Cabinet Secretariat's Office for Isolation and Loneliness. Mr Yamamoto, head of the office, said: 'Not much time has passed since the start, but things are starting to go well. There are side effects, such as women and children showing up. So it has the potential to become a hub for people-to-people links.
The members of Yoroya were very nervous before the interview, but it turned out to be a very good time as each of them talked about their thoughts on the Shedd and its future development potential.
Unfortunately it was raining, but thank you very much for covering the Shedd workspace and the actual activity (bamboo charcoal making).
The activity was able to finish from the second bamboo charcoal making to the third bamboo putting and on the 17th, at the request of the village education department, they will have a charcoal making experience for primary school children.
寄郎屋 1月の活動報告
The January activities of the Mizukami Village Community Shed "YOROYA" included kiln-drying of bamboo charcoal, making bamboo charcoal for the second time, environmental maintenance around the shed, and a New Year's party.
The first batch of bamboo charcoal was completed in good condition, and when polished with a towel, it shines black and can be used as interior decoration. It is also highly deodorising and has many uses. At the New Year's party, the famous 'bone biting'. Wild boar bones are cooked over a high fire. Seasoning is salt only. This was extremely tasty. We shared it with people who dropped by during the activity. They said the seasoning was perfect.
Recently, meetings have been held in the shed after activities. Let's go fishing", "Let's make ham."
Ideas for various activities are exchanged. It's a very good atmosphere. I'm looking forward to going there.
アメリカメンズ・シェッド協会とのZoomミーティング Meeting with USMSA directors
アメリカメンズ・シェッド協会理事のMark Winstonさん、Steve WernerさんとZoomミーティングを行いました。お二人からアメリカでのシェッド支援の状況やシェッド立ち上げの経緯、支援を行っていくうえで重要なポイントなど、たくさんのアドバイスを頂くことができました。これからも我々の活動を支援してくださると仰っていただき、大変うれしく思います。
We had a Zoom meeting with Mark Winston and Steve Werner, directors of the American Men's Sheds Association. They provided us with a wealth of advice on the current state of shed support in the United States, the background of setting up sheds, and key points in providing support. I am extremely pleased that they have expressed their willingness to continue supporting our activities. Thank you so much Mark and Steve!
上段:左からMark Winstonさん、伊藤、Yun Shanさん
下段:Steve Wernerさん、髙島さん、今田さん
Interview by The Office for Policy on Loneliness and Isolation, Cabinet Secretariat
We had the pleasure of welcoming Mr. Yamamoto, the Director of The Office for Policy on Loneliness and Isolation, Cabinet Secretariat, and her team to Sapporo. In the morning, they conducted interviews at Hokkaido University, and in the afternoon, they participated in a briefing session for Pokke Kotan. We are truly grateful for their visit, traveling from afar.
上段:左から内閣官房孤独・孤立対策担当室 島田主査、黒瀬様、山本室長、髙島(グループリーダー)、西山(シチズンサポートプロジェクト札幌支部長)、矢野教授(北海道大学保健科学研究院長)
1月12日 札幌CS
第10回運営準備委員会 会議
The tenth meeting of the operation and preparation committee in Sapporo CS
- Citizen Support Project for Primary Prevention of Social Isolation and Loneliness -
「さっぽろ“男たちの基地” ポッケコタン」運営準備会は1月 12 日夜、1 月下旬に開く3 会場での説明会(※)に向け、8 人が出席して 10 回目のミーティングを行いました。
※20 日(土)、23 日(火)西野地区センター、26 日(金)昭和会館、いずれも午後 1 時半~3 時
準備会のメンバーは 12 月中旬から告知を始めました。地元町内会の回覧板を利用させて いただいたほか、チラシを会場の施設に置か せていただき、ポスターを郵便局やスーパー、クリニックなどに貼らせていただきました。
新年に入って参加希望が相次ぎ、12 日までに 19 人。申込書や電話、メール、ネット(QR コード)、対面の案内など様々な形で寄せられています。当日までさらに増えると期待できることから、10 回目の会議は熱がこもった内容になりました。
説明会に準備するものや資料、説明内容と 担当、参加した方々にお願いするアンケート、入会申込書の内容をはじめ検討するテーマは 山積。会議が終わったのは予定時刻をはるか に過ぎた 21 時でした。
On the evening of January 12, the Sapporo "Men's Base" Pokkekotan Operation and Preparation Committee held its 10th meeting, attended by 8 members, in preparation for the briefing sessions* to be held at three venues in late January.
*Saturday, January 20, Tuesday, January 23 at Nishino District Center, and Friday, January 26 at Showa Kaikan, all from 1:30 to 3:00 p.m.
Members of the preparatory committee began publicizing the event starting in mid-December. In addition to using the circular of the local neighborhood association, flyers were placed at the venue's facilities, and posters were put up at post offices, supermarkets, clinics, and other places.
Since the beginning of the New Year, we have had a steady stream of requests for participation, and by the 12th, we had 19 participants. We have received applications in various forms such as application forms, phone calls, e-mails, internet (QR code), and face-to-face information.
There were many topics to be discussed, including what to prepare for the briefing sessions, materials, content and responsibilities, questionnaires to be filled out by participants, and the membership application form. The meeting ended at 21:00, well past the scheduled time.
It was blizzarding outside. It was blowing snow. The road back to Pokkekotan, where no one was walking, was covered with deep snow and seemed to symbolize the new challenge of Pokkekotan.
(Repo. by Yamada)
「寄郎屋」12月 活動報告
YOROYA began its activities on 30th November. The project started with eight members, but two more were quickly added, bringing the total to ten by the end of December.
On 30th November and 7th, 14th, and 21st December, members tidied up the office, made signs, produced bamboo charcoal and constructed kadomatsu. The bamboo charcoal is fired in turns throughout the night and is taken out of the kiln at the beginning of the year to allow the kiln to cool down.
Making a signboard for digging with a chainsaw. The skill of the workers was impressive, as they dug down to the smallest detail with a chainsaw. A magnificent kadomatsu (gate pine) that was made before we knew it.
And although it has been less than a month since we started our activities, YOROYA was asked to prepare for a local event at which we are active! They were going to make a large number of bamboo cups, so they prepared for that along with making bamboo charcoal. It was a moment when we could already catch a glimpse of shed activities that are rooted in the community and can contribute to the local area.
All of these activities are planned and organised by the members themselves.
The December activities were covered by Kumamoto TV and Kumanichi Shimbun.
Bamboo charcoal making will be carried out regularly in the future. We are looking forward to seeing the finished product.
12月15日 札幌CS
第9回運営準備委員会 開く
~1月説明会開催に向け準備万端 ~
The ninth meeting of the operation and preparation committee in Sapporo CS
ーAll preparations are in order for the briefing sessions to be held in Januaryー
The Operation and Preparation Committee of Sapporo Men's Shed "Pokkekotan"
held its ninth meeting on December 15 at the Nishino Welfare Town Promotion Center Office (6-3 Nishino, Nishi-ku) to discuss details in preparation for briefing sessions to be held in late January.
The briefing sessions will be held on January 20 (Nishino District Center: Nishino 4-2), 23 (Nishino District Center), and 26 (Showa Kaikan: Nishino 6-3) (all from 1:30 to 3:00 p.m.).
For the time being, we are limiting participation to the Nishino, Fukui, and Heiwa districts, which are almost west of 6-jo in Nishino, Nishi-ku, and are served by the Nishino District Welfare Community Promotion Center, which has helped us to start our activities. We ask for cooperation in the form of flyers and posters through the neighborhood association circular, local stores, etc.
At the meeting, we discussed the distribution and distribution status of the flyers and posters, as well as future developments. As the year comes to a close, "Pokkekotan, launching in 2024," the members of the preparatory committee are dividing their efforts to publicize the project to the community so that as many people as possible can attend the information sessions.
At the meeting, we divided up the flow and responsibilities of the briefing sessions. Each member will compile the content of the explanations by the end of the year and finalize them at the meeting scheduled for January 12.
The preparatory committee is also working on the constitution and division of roles in preparation for the establishment of the association. It was also proposed that the "Seven Samurai" members of the preparatory committee serve as co-chairpersons. The outline will be finalized by the time of the briefing sessions.
(Repo. by Yamada)
2023年11月2日 ・11月8日・11月22日 札幌CS
The 6th-8th meetings of the operation and preparation committee in Sapporo CS
Preparations are accelerating more and more.
Logo mark has been finalized!
The circle in the house is composed of four colors. These colors are named after the colors of the following four of the SDGs goals that are closely related to our initiatives.
The enthusiasm of the members is increasing more and more. I myself have not felt this way for a long time. I feel it is similar to the feeling I had when I was a student preparing for school festivals or practicing hard in club activities.
The logo has been decided, and it was also decided to hold three informational meetings in January at local public halls. In addition to the flyer for the circular, the poster proposal is almost complete. We will be discussing the specifics of the informational meetings.
Thanks to the help of our members, Mr. Kobayashi and Ms. Nishiyama, negotiations to have related local organizations join as cooperating organizations have progressed rapidly. The Nishino Area Welfare Community Promotion Center, the Nishino Community Development Center, and the Sapporo Nishi Ward Council of Social Welfare have already given their support to our activities.
We have also expanded our publicity channels through Mr. Kobayashi, Mr. Kikuchi, and Mr. Yamada. For starters, a reporter from the Hokkaido Shimbun's "Sapporo 10 wards (talk)" supplement came to cover our 8th meeting on November 22, and will write an article on our Pokkekotan activities before the briefing in January. There are plans for more interviews with newspapers and mini-magazines in the near future. We would be happy if such articles reach potential POCKEKOTAN members. We also hope that as more people become aware of POCKEKOTAN's activities, the entire town will become more concerned about the issues of isolation and loneliness.
(Repo. by Takashima)
2023年10月27日 札幌CS
The fifth meeting of the operation and preparation committee in Sapporo CS
After touring the candidate site and reviewing the future schedule...
Autumn is deepening in Sapporo and snow bugs are flying around. Soon, the season of snow will arrive.
On this day, we all went to visit the Nishino District Welfare Community Promotion Center for the first time, one of the five potential sites for our shed. It was much larger than we expected. It is the perfect size for the 10 of us on the preparatory committee to have a meeting. There is a kitchen, and the dishes and utensils provided can be used. This looks like we will be able to cook here in the future.
At the meeting, we went over our future schedule together; our goal is to establish our shed in April 2024, but working backwards, we have a lot of things to think about and decide on! We normally meet once a month, but we decided to schedule three meetings in November.
We plan to use the circular as part of our publicity efforts. In the meantime, we will need to work out the content of the flyer for the circular at a rapid pace. From here, we will gather for three consecutive weeks to intensively discuss the contents together.
(Repo. by Takashima)
2023年10月22日 札幌CS
~3年後のワインづくりを目指して ~
Making a grape nursery ーAiming to make wine in 3 yearsー
Although the official establishment is targeted for April 2024, we have been making a grape nursery a little ahead of schedule. The temperature was 11 degrees Celsius, but it was warming up as we moved. The branches that Mr. Nihonyanagi cut from his own vineyards for Naiyagara, Campbell, and Kyoho grapes have just a few buds emerging from the nodes. The work of planting has been completed by sticking them into the soft soil at the Matsuya’s house. I was worried about whether these sprouts would be able to overwinter safely since the season was about to be covered with snow. However, according to Mr. Nihonryanagi, the melting snow is the key for the grapes to take root and the buds to grow. It will be about three years before the grapes are ready for harvesting, and we are looking forward to it.
(Repo. by Takashima)
ジョイントワークショップ(EHESS-JST Joint Workshop) で講演
10月18日に科学技術振興機構(JST)にて開催されたフランス国立社会科学高等研究院(EHESS)とJSTのジョイントワークショップ(EHESS-JST Joint Workshop)に伊藤と髙島が日本側の代表者として登壇し、本プロジェクトの紹介を行いました。EHESSからはセバスチャン・ルシャブリエ(Sébastien Lechevalier)教授が登壇し、EHESSで進められている孤独・孤立研究について説明をされました。オーディエンスからは数々の質問が飛び、活発な議論が展開され、大変有意義なワークショップとなりました。
日仏財団ネットワーク第4回総会(4th Meeting of the Cercle de la FFJ)参加
10月16日に在日フランス大使館で開催された日仏財団ネットワーク第4回総会 (4th Meeting of the Cercle de la FFJ)に伊藤と髙島が招待され、参加してきました。今回のワークショップのタイトルは「Society 5.0: What Role of Social Sciences and Humanity for Innovation」でした。EHESS(フランス社会科学高等研究院)や理研、東大などの研究者に加え、日産や国土交通省のメンバーなど多様な構成で開催されました。偶然、伊藤の友人がスピーカーとして登壇しているなど嬉しいサプライズもありました。
2023年10月11日 JST招待講演予行会
10月18日に科学技術振興機構(JST)にて開催される非公開ワークショップにおいて、伊藤(研究代表者)と髙島(札幌CSグループリーダー)が講演を行います。可視化グループメンバーのFrancesca Kilpatrickさん(UCL)を交えて、この講演の予行会を開催しました。
2023年9月20日 札幌CS
The fourth meeting of the Operation and Preparation Committee in Sapporo CS
―Narrowing down "Vision, Philosophy, Policy" & "Logo"
・・・・May We apply for Sapporo Snow Festival?
① 気軽に気楽に集まり、楽しい仲間をつくる(ができる)「男たちの居場所」
② 誰もが(をも)歓迎し、互いを尊敬し、発想の違いを受け入れ、平等で助け合う「男たちの居場所」
③ 互いの経験・知識・技術を共有し、「レッツ・トライ」の精神で、ささやかでも新しい物作り、新しいことに挑戦する「男たちの居場所」
In the fourth meeting, we discussed the "Vision, Philosophy, and Policies" that we had discussed in the previous meeting, and discussed a new "Logo" for our shed.
The "Vision, Philosophy, and Policies" were summarized after the last meeting, and were made into three slogans. We will further refine them in the future.
(1) "A place for men" where they can gather casually and comfortably and make (or be able to make) pleasant friends.
(2) "A place for men" where everyone is welcome, where we respect each other, where we accept differences in ideas, and where we help each other with equality.
(3) "A place for men" where we can share our experiences, knowledge, and skills, and in the spirit of "Let's Try," create new things and try new things, even if only in a small way.
...to be in contact with nature, to be covered in soil, to feel the warmth of wood...
In contrast, the "logo" is POKKEKOTAN's "banner" and "emblem". It is the "face" of POKKEKOTAN that we transmit to the world. There was a proposal to brand the logo on a piece of wood to be used as a membership card.
However, the task of "putting our vision, philosophy, and policies into one small form" proved to be a difficult one.
In addition to professional-looking handwritten designs, the members used a free app to come up with about 20 different ideas. We were astonished to see what was possible! We were astonished, but when it came to a design that would represent POKKEKOTAN's philosophy and have a strong impact, it was too short for the belt and too long for the sashes. Furthermore, if there was no similar design in the world, it would be difficult for a group of amateurs, so we decided to ask a professional to do the finishing touches and narrowed down the candidates.
As a result, we decided to consider the development of colors and shapes based on a design that also smacks of the spirit of the SDGs, which aim to bring together people from all walks of life to sustain the world.
After completing the difficult task of boiling down the vision and logo in just one hour, the members held their first get-together on the same day.
The Sapporo Men's Shed "POKKEKOTAN" is planning to hold an information seminar to invite participants at the beginning of the year. The number of people who have already expressed interest in the shed's activities has grown to nearly 30.
The key question is "What are we going to do and for what purpose?" Specifically, it is to realize the wishes of those who participate, but for now, "what will we do?" That was the main topic of discussion at the reception.
First, "Let's plant grape saplings with the goal of making wine in three years." Then, "In winter, let's make the most of the snow and build snow caves and snow kamakura. In addition, "Sapporo Snow Festival will be held in early February. Let's also promote POKKEKOTAN and apply for the citizens' snow sculpture making contest. Although the odds should be high and snow sculpture making would be almost impossible, the conversation was lively and lively. The power of alcohol is frightening....
The next meeting will be held on October 27.
(Repo. by Yamada)
2023年9月16日 片桐PJ 片桐代表との意見交換
Discussion with Prof. Keiko Katagiri about future collaboration
During the previous joint strategy meeting, we received input from multiple advisors regarding the potential for collaboration between Katagiri project and Ito project. Subsequently, we engaged in a discussion with Professor Keiko Katagiri, head of the Wellbeing Advanced Research Center / professor of the Graduate School of Human Development and Environment Studies at Kobe University, who leads the "Sustainable Community Building to Prevent Social Isolation among Elderly Residents in Urban Agglomerations" project. Both projects aim to establish mechanisms for preventing isolation and loneliness among the elderly, and we are keen to foster a cooperative relationship within our respective capacities. Stay tuned for upcoming events!
2023年9月1日 日英豪3カ国ミーティング開催
Discussion with members from three countries for our international collaboration
3ヵ国のメンバー8名が集まり、今後の国際連携をどのように進めていくかについて議論しました。日本側からは髙島(北大)・伊藤(東北大)、イギリス側からはBlerina Kelezzi(ノッティンガム・トレント大)・Juliet Wakefield(ノッティンガム・トレント大)、Mhairi Bowe(ヘリオット・ワット大)、Hirotaka Imada(ロンドン大学ロイヤルホロウェイ校)、オーストラリア側からはAlex Haslam(クィーンズランド大)、Catherine Haslma(クィーンズランド大)が参加しました。今後の日本におけるコミュニティー・シェッドの発展プロセスや日本のコミュニティー・シェッドの特徴を3ヵ国の知恵を結集して研究し、さらなる発展に生かしていきます。
Members from three countries, totaling eight individuals, gathered to discuss how to proceed with future international collaboration. From Japan, Takashima from Hokkaido University and Ito from Tohoku University participated. From the UK, Blerina Kelezzi and Juliet Wakefield from Nottingham Trent University, Mhairi Bowe from Heriot-Watt University, and Hirotaka Imada from Royal Holloway, University of London were present. From Australia, Alex Haslam and Catherine Haslam from the University of Queensland joined the discussion. Moving forward, they will pool the wisdom of the three countries to research the development process and unique characteristics of Community Sheds in Japan, aiming to leverage this knowledge for further growth.
2023年8月18日 札幌CS
The third meeting of the Operation and Preparation Committee in Sapporo CS
―Aiming for a warm gathering, village, and place, the name was decided to be "Pokkekotan".
In the third meeting, we decided on the name of our shed and discussed the "vision, philosophy, and policy" that will be the pillars of our initiative. We flexibly exchanged opinions and made great strides toward the realization of Sapporo Shed. It was a moment that will remain in the history of our shed.
The venue was at Kobayashi's residence, a secluded place in Heiwa, in Nishi Ward, Sapporo. Surrounded by nature, discussions proceeded smoothly. We decided on the name "Sapporo Men's Shed 'Pokkekotan'".
After the second meeting, each member proposed various ideas, and from the beginning of the meeting, the direction was decided to be "Ainu-based, appropriate for Hokkaido," and "Pokkekotan," meaning "warm gathering," "warm village," or "warm place," was chosen. The Ainu people are the indigenous people of Japan, and Hokkaido, where the city of Sapporo is located, is an area particularly closely associated with the Ainu people and their culture.
We then set to work to determine the "vision, philosophy, and policies" that would serve as the pillars of our future efforts.
Each person had over 50 words to say in a series, "This is what we want our shed to be like. These were then categorized and organized into 10 related groups.
The theme of the next meeting will be to shape these keywords into a "vision, philosophy, and policy.
While the activities of the steering committee are taking shape, more and more people are showing interest in the shed's activities, asking us to hold information meetings, and we are making progress step by step.
(Repo. by Yamada)
A small meeting with the leader of Yanagisawa project.
Ayahito Ito had a discussion with the representative (Prof. Kuniaki Yanagisawa) of the RISTEX Yanagisawa Project, which focuses on "Loneliness in New Life: Visualization of Risks and Primary Preventionion." We had a very meaningful conversation on various topics, including collaboration between projects and neuroscience research related to isolation and loneliness. Moving forward, I hope to work together towards the primary prevention of isolation and loneliness.
2023年7月10日 札幌CS
The second meeting of the Operation and Preparation Committee in Sapporo CS
① 「料理~カレー」「BBQ」「畑~野菜づくり~おやじ食堂」「葡萄~ワイン/生食/燻製」「作品(物)のビジネス展開」
② 「手稲山~登山道道標/知識を伝える見える形」
③ 「室内クラブ~囲碁・将棋・カジノ」「音楽~テーマソングを作ろう」
④ 「冬~キャンプ・カマクラ・ちびっ子」
The second meeting was held at Yamada's house. Mr. Kasai (in his 40s) joined us, bringing the number of men to seven. Together with the three project members, the age range from 20s to 70s is now filled, which seems to broaden our perspective even further. The membership is encouraging for the future expansion of the project, including the use of the Internet.
After the first meeting, which consisted mainly of self-introductions, each member submitted a list of "things they would like to do if the shed were established.
As a result of fleshing out the ideas with explanations, the key words were organized as follows:
(1) "Cooking - curry," "BBQ," "Field - growing vegetables - men's diner," "Grapes - to make wine/raw to eat, smoked food," "Business development of works (things).
(2) "Mt. Teine - mountain trail signposts/visible form to convey knowledge"
(3) "Indoor club - Igo, Shogi, Casino" "Music: Let's make a theme song"
(4) "Winter - Camping, Kamakura, Chibi-ko (little children)"
We are still at the stage where each of us is talking a lot about our "dreams," and we will continue to refine our "dreams" toward the goal of materializing the "shed" in May 2024.
We have created a LINE group for mutual communication. The name of the group is "Takashima Group" in honor of the chief researcher.
(Repo. by Yamada)
2023年6月16日 札幌CS
The first meeting of the Operation and Preparation Committee in Sapporo CS
We held the first Operation and Preparation Committee meeting at the home of Mr. Matsuya, one of the key players of Sapporo CS. Six senior male members (Mr. Ooka, Mr. Kobayashi, Mr. Kikuchi, Mr. Nihonyanagi, Mr. Matsuya, Mr. Yamada) and 3 project members (Mr. Nishiyama, Mr. Hirayama, Mr. Takashima), all together in one place for the first time. We gathered a group of reassuring members who will play central roles in planning and preparing for the launch of the Sapporo CS.
In the first meeting, we introduced ourselves to each other and talked about our motivations for joining the Sapporo CS activities, what we consider important, and what we would like to do in the future. It was a meeting that heightened our excitement about what kind of CS we would create.
Some people said it was a pity that there was no beer, but I wonder if we will have such an opportunity in the future....
(Repo. by Takashima)
世界のメンズ・シェッドの調査に関わっていただく新しいメンバーとして、University College London (UCL)のFrancesca Kilpatrickさんをお招きし、ウェルカムミーティングを開催しました。
A gathering of key playes in Sapporo CS
The photo shows a gathering of key players contributing to the launch of the Sapporo CS. From left to right: Ms Nishiyama, Ms Hirayama, Mr Matsuya and Dr. Takashima. From the outset, the mission to find a base for CS in the urban area of Sapporo was expected to be difficult. It was at this time that we met Matsuya-san! Matsuya-san is willing to offer his own house and garden as a base for CS activities. On this day, he opened his house for our meeting and gave us a warm welcome. Ms Nishiyama has recently been appointed as 'Citizen Support Project Sapporo Branch Chairperson'! Although she has already reached the age when she is defined as "elderly", she still has enough vitality to start a new business herself. She is making use of her wealth of experience in supporting the elderly to play a role in the Sapporo CS. Finally, Ms Hirayama is a graduate student at Hokkaido University who has been working with Takashima on the establishment of Sapporo CS since the beginning of the CS project. She was still an undergraduate student at the time, but his energy and passion were already shining through. She is also dedicated to the ongoing interview survey in Sapporo. The activities of Sapporo CS have just begun, but together with these wonderful members, we will continue to make further progress. Please look forward to our challenges. And we look forward to your continued warm support in the future.
2023年3月13日〜15日 水上村でのフィールド調査
13-15 Mar 2023 Field research in the village of Mizukami
In order to get to know Mizukami Village better, Takashima and Matsuo conducted field research (for the third time) in Mizukami Village. This time, Takashima stayed at the Minosato guest house. In addition to Mr and Mrs Tateo, a regular guest of more than 30 years joined us for a chat. The homely atmosphere made us feel as if we had returned to our grandparents' house. The view of the fields and mountain ridges all around from the hot spring was really beautiful.
During this survey, we met and spoke with elderly men who have various "skills". In particular, those who are now in their 70s or older often have a rich repertoire of skills. Those in this age group who spent their childhood in the village of Mizukami had inherited wisdom and skills from their grandparents and parents. Furthermore, it was found that many of the children also had experiences that were naturally ingrained in their bodies through playing in nature, and many of them remembered and demonstrated these experiences in their old age. Three such elderly men are introduced here.
The first is Mr Nagaishi, the abbot of Ryusenji Temple. He made and installed his own maki-wara (straw for archery practice) in the temple, and was also an expert in growing plants. He was particularly devoted to irises, and although the weather was only just beginning to warm up, there were already many potted plants lined up in various places.
The second guest was Mr Kijima, who also runs a farmhouse guest house, Hyou-man-tei. I felt that Hyouryotei is a "playground seriously created by adults". The Hyouenattei is full of playful features such as a Goemon bath, tents, hammocks, swings, a pizza oven, a rice cake pounder, soba noodle making, a beetle larva nursery, bee hives, a landlocked salmon farm, a pavilion and many more. The most surprising thing was that Mr Kijima had originally created the place to do what he liked with his own hands.
The concept of the Community Shed, a "hut" where elderly men play a leading role in activities they like and value together, was very much in line with this initiative, and we learnt a lot from it.
Finally, I would like to introduce a third person, Mr A, who is still engaged in agriculture and forestry at the age of 80. It was this Mr A who taught Mr Kijima how to build a landlocked salmon farm. He is a man of truly diverse 'skills'. In addition to vegetables and rice, he also farms landlocked salmon and hunts wild boar and deer, and lives a near-self-sufficient lifestyle. He treated Takashima and Matsuo to a char-grilled mountain trout, which he filleted and cooked on the spot. It was a savoury and unforgettable taste.
2023年2月28日 オーストラリア クィーンズランド大学心理学部 訪問
28 Feb 2023 Visit to the School of Psychology, University of Queensland, Australia
本研究開発プロジェクト「シチズンサポートプロジェクトによる社会的孤立・孤独の一次予防」では、日本で立ち上げるコミュニティー・シェッドの効果検証ツールの一つとして、クィーンズランド大学心理学部のAlex Haslam教授・Catherine Haslam教授らの研究グループが開発した「online social identity mapping」と呼ばれるツールを使用します。
In the research and development project 'Primary prevention of social isolation and loneliness through the Citizen Support Project', a tool called 'online social identity mapping' developed by Professor Alex Haslam, Professor Catherine Haslam and their research group at the School of Psychology, University of Queensland, is used as one of the tools to verify the effectiveness of the men's shed to be launched in Japan.
This tool can visualise what groups people belong to, how much value they place on each group, and can also visualise the relationships between groups. We are currently preparing to make this tool available in Japanese and were able to visit the University of Queensland as part of this preparation.
First, Ito gave a presentation on the objectives and implementation of this research and development project, and we received very positive and enthusiastic messages from Professor Haslam and other members of the team. We look forward to working together and advancing the project in the future.
Shed West (2023年3月1日訪問)
Ashgrove-The Gap Men's Shed Inc (2023年2月28日訪問)
Mt. Gravatt Men's Shed Inc. (2023年2月27日訪問)
オーストラリア ブリスベンでのメンズシェッド視察
27 Feb-1 Mar 2023 Men's Shed visit in Brisbane, Australia
2月27日から3日間に渡り、Griffith UniversityのKim Wilder先生のご協力のもと、Mt. Gravatt Men's She, Ashgrove-The Gap Men's Shed, Shed Westの3つのシェッドを訪問させていただきました。大きいもので会員が300名以上、小さいものでも100名以上という大所帯でした(登録だけの方も半数くらいいるようです)。シェッドごとに規約や活動内容は異なっており、メンバーの前職や趣味趣向に合わせてプログラムが組まれていることがわかりました。一例として、Mt. Gravatt Men's Shedでは木工が非常に人気のあるプログラムである一方、Ashgrove-The Gap Men's Shedではディスカッショングループの人気が高いということでした。
Ito and Takashima visited three men's sheds in Australia, the birthplace of the Men's Shed. It was like a secret base where they could make woodwork with various machines, process metal, play games, talk, and make connections with new friends in retirement.
This was a great example of the enthusiasm they have for their Shed and their love of it and their desire to make it thrive. The freedom to decide everything themselves (from getting grants, to organising a steering committee to do everything from administration to liaison!) ) is what leads to attachment.
I could truly feel that being able to do what we want to do ourselves, rather than a clichéd, top-down programme, is what is needed to draw retired men out into society and get them to be as active as they want to be.
Over three days from 27 February, we visited three sheds, Mt Gravatt Men's She, Ashgrove-The Gap Men's Shed and Shed West, with the help of Dr Kim Wilder of Griffith University. The larger one had more than 300 members and the smaller one had more than 100 members (about half of them were just registered). We found that each Shed had different rules and activities, and that the programme was tailored to the members' previous jobs and interests. As an example, woodworking was a very popular programme at Mt Gravatt Men's Shed, while discussion groups were popular at Ashgrove-The Gap Men's Shed.
Despite differences in programme content and size, all Sheds have in common: 1) a small number of community members who were active and energetic before the Shed was launched; 2) all members love the Shed and are actively involved in its management; 3) they are involved in publicity and community outreach; 4) they have incorporated woodworking; 5) they have 5) wives are very happy after sending their husbands off to the Shedd! Shedd is not only a member, but also a member of the community. We found that Shedd contributes not only to the happiness of its members, but also to the happiness of local residents and their families. The consistent attitude was that the money earned through Shedd's activities is only for maintaining and running Shedd, not for pursuing profit.
As it can be challenging to suddenly join a Shed on your own, some Sheds adopted a buddy system (a system of preparing new members to work with Shed members at all times). We also saw a system whereby each member's name tag indicates which tasks they can and cannot do, so that their peers can provide immediate support. Some members with disabilities participated to the extent that they could, and I felt it was important to note that the environment was very inclusive.
The visit made it clear that, when setting up a community shed in Japan, 1) local residents should take the initiative in deciding on the content of activities and management policies, and 2) researchers should be committed to providing support. The first men's shed in Japan is scheduled to be established in Mizukami Village in the second half of 2023. We will use the wisdom and know-how gained in this project to find a way for sheds to take root in Japan.
2023年1月23-26日 水上村でのフィールド調査
23-26 Jan 2023 Field research in the village of Mizukami
「ログカフェ 市房の風」の店主の尾方さまは、村で人気のログハウスづくり体験の代表者でもあります。30~70歳代まで、主に九州各地から毎年たくさんの参加者が集まってくる人気のイベントです。薪ストーブのあるカフェ内で、ログハウスづくり体験の始まりから今についてお話ししていただきました!
To learn more about Mizukami Village, Takashima and Matsuo conducted field research (for the second time) in Mizukami Village.
Mizukami Village is made up of three large districts: Iwano, Yuyama and Ejiro. Originally, the centre of the village was in the middle of the three districts. However, due to heavy rainfall and typhoon damage, the centre was dammed in the 1930s. We learnt about the history of the three large districts, which were geographically divided by this and became strongly different from each other.
The culture of 'kogin', which still remains as a way for the (mainly) male members of the village to socialise, was very interesting. Originally a kind of mutual insurance, the kougin now remains as a mechanism for some groups (e.g. relatives, neighbours, colleagues, hobbyists, etc.) to accumulate money for drinking, trips, etc. However, here, too, Corona had had an impact and many 'koukin' had not yet been reopened.
A total of 11 people cooperated in this interview survey. Mr Nishi of the Ichibusa Kanko Hotel, who has been making efforts to protect butterflies, including the Goishi Swallowtails, which are only known to occur in Mizukami Village, took time to engage us in discussion over two nights. In addition to the mild and beautiful hot springs, the wild vegetables and gibier dishes were superb!
Mr Ogata, owner of the Log Café Ichifusa no Kaze, is also the head of the village's popular log cabin building experience, a popular event that attracts many participants every year from all over Kyushu, mostly in their 30s to 70s. He spoke about the log house building experience from its beginnings to the present day in a café with a wood-burning stove!
2023年1月17日 一般社団法人えんがお 視察
17 Jan 2023 Engao General Incorporated Association Visits
Ito and Takashima visited Engao, a general incorporated association that has attracted nationwide attention for its efforts to prevent the isolation and loneliness of the elderly with the keyword "mixing things up".
Engao operates a community house, a local pub, a shared house and a group home in Otawara City, Tochigi Prefecture, and provides a 'place to stay' for local residents of all ages.
Representative Hamano gave us a wide-ranging explanation of Engao, from its philosophy to the circumstances involved in its management, as well as the things to keep in mind and the difficulties encountered in actually building the place to live.
The community house was a very cosy and warm place to stay. The visit was a great learning experience for our project.
2022年11月8-11日 熊本県水上村でのフィールド調査
8-11 November 2022 Field research in Mizukami Village, Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan.
In order to learn more about Mizukami Village, Takashima conducted a field study (the first one) in Mizukami Village. We walked around the village, conducted interviews and participated observation. The overwhelmingly natural landscape was lined with houses and fields at the foot of the mountain and on the slopes. Although many people were involved in agriculture, we found that the area of each field on the slopes was relatively small and many people grew enough rice and vegetables for their families and relatives.
In addition to the supporters from the town hall and the elderly men, we also spoke to the landlady, who had run a long-established ryokan for many years. It was very interesting to learn about the origins of Mizukami Village and the culture of delivering shochu as a "village entry". The elderly men demonstrated the Kumaken, a traditional game from the Kuma region, which is a kind of rock-paper-scissors-scissors game with six different moves, with different moves being played out one after the other at a blinding speed. When the game is played at festivals, the loser drinks up the shochu in a triangular sake cup that cannot be put down until the contents have been drunk up.