Launch of Japan's first community shed
Community Sheds, spaces created for the elderly, which originated in Australia in the 1990s, are rapidly expanding worldwide. We aim to launch these spaces in Japan to contribute to the prevention of isolation and loneliness among the elderly. A project was initiated by occupational therapists, psychologists, and neuroscientists who shared this vision. This project was selected in the fiscal year 2022 under the Social Technology Research and Development Program promoted by the Research Institute of Science and Technology for Society (RISTEX) and has since commenced its activities. Please view the press release here.
There are three types of sheds: 'Men's Sheds' primarily for men, 'Community Sheds' for both men and women, and 'Women's Sheds' mainly for women. While 'Community Sheds' strictly refers to sheds involving both men and women, we use the term more broadly to encompass various types of sheds (a broader definition).
Testing the effectiveness of community shed
The activities at these community sheds are diverse, including woodworking, gardening, and cycling. They are gaining attention as a new vibrant space for mainly retired local residents and are rapidly developing in countries like Australia, the UK, Ireland, Canada, and the USA. It is said that there are over 3,700 sheds worldwide, with most being Men's Sheds. While Community Sheds have grown significantly, there is not enough scientific evidence to fully understand their effects. In this project, we are launching and managing Community Sheds in Mizukami Village in Kumamoto Prefecture and Sapporo City in Hokkaido. By combining qualitative and quantitative research, we aim to provide evidence ahead of the world and explore the concept of a "Japanese-style Community Shed."
Launch of community sheds in Mizukami Village
Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan.
In Mizukami Village, Kumamoto Prefecture, plans are under way to launch a men's shed in 2023. Preparations are currently underway with the Mizukami Village Office and local residents to select an operational site and verify the effectiveness of the project.
Launch of community sheds in Sapporo, Hokkaido
Following the launch of community sheds in Mizukami Village, Kumamoto Prefecture, we are planning to launch community sheds in Sapporo, Hokkaido, from 2024 onwards. Meetings with local supporters are currently underway
チームについて Team members
Experts from diverse fields such as occupational therapists, health professionals, psychologists and brain scientists are involved in this project.
松尾 崇史(熊本保健科学大)(コアメンバー)
実施者(Group members)
爲近 岳夫(熊本保健科学大)
宮田 浩紀(熊本保健科学大)
仙波 梨沙(熊本保健科学大)
鉾之原 将希(桜十字福岡病院)
吉瀬 陽(熊本保健科学大)
河口 向日葵(熊本保健科学大)
Mizukami CS Group
Main role: setting up, running and testing the effectiveness of Mizukami men's sheds
Group leader
Takashi Matsuo (Kumamoto Univ. of Health Sciences) (Core Member)
髙島 理沙(北海道大)(コアメンバー)
実施者(Group members)
岡田 宏基(北海道大)
佐伯 和子(富山県立大)
坂上 真理(札幌医科大)
平山 理花(北海道大)
シチズンサポートプロジェクト 札幌支部 支部長
西山 雅子
Sapporo CS Group
Main role: setting up, running and testing the effectiveness of Sapporo men's sheds
Group leader.
Risa Takashima (Hokkaido Univ.) (Core Member)
東 登志夫(長崎大) (コアメンバー)
森内 剛史(長崎大)
丸田 道雄(長崎大)
実施者(Group members)
張 宗相(長崎大)
暢 暁倩(長崎大)
川口 京介(長崎大)
山園 大輝(長崎大病院)
Field Support Group
Main role: Supporting setting up, running and testing the effectiveness of sheds
Group leader.
Toshio Higashi, Nagasaki University (core member)
Core member
Takeshi Moriuchi (Nagasaki Univ.) (Core Member)
Michio Maruta (Nagasaki Univ.) (Core Member)
伊藤 文人(東北大)(研究代表者)(コアメンバー)
五十嵐 祐(名古屋大)(コアメンバー)
日道 俊之(高知工科大)(コアメンバー)
実施者(Group members)
河地 庸介(東北大)
青木 隆太(東京都立大)
出馬 圭世(高知工科大)
鈴木 真介(一橋大)
玉井 颯一(テュービンゲン大)
澤村 大輔(北海道大)
吉田 一生(北海道大)
梶村 昇吾(京都工芸繊維大)
Francesca Kilpatrick(University College London)
Alex Haslam(University of Queensland)
Blake McMillan(University of Queensland)
麦倉 俊司(東北大)
行場 絵里奈(東北大)
Hiro IMADA(Royal Holloway, University of London)
Catherine Haslam(University of Queensland)
Mhairi Bowe(Heriot Watt University)
Juliet Wakefield(Nottingham Trent University)
Blerina Kellezi(Nottingham Trent University)
Kim Walder (Griffith Univ)
Clifford Stevenson(Nottingham Trent University)
Niamh McNamara(Nottingham Trent University)
森 菜緒子(秋田大)
豊島 彩(島根大)
杉浦 元亮(東北大学)
竹本 あゆみ(東北大学, Riga Stradins University)
Raja Rajendra Timilsina (Asian Development Bank Institute)
Gabriele Bellucci (Royal Holloway, University of London)
Risk Visualisation Group
Main role: visualisation of social connections, verification of the effectiveness of community sheds and consideration of their continued operation, investigating mechanisms of social isolation and loneliness
Group leader.
Aythito Ito, Tohoku University (PI)(Core member)
Principal implementer
Tasuku IGARASHI (Nagoya Univ.) (Core Member)
Toshiyuki Himichi (Kochi Univ. of Technology) (Core Member)
Goals of this project
Social isolation and loneliness are risk factors for various diseases, and creating a society that doesn't foster these conditions is an urgent issue. However, the current situation is challenging, with insufficient support structures and limited societal understanding. This project, the "Citizen Support Project," aims to establish new community spaces (community sheds) for the elderly and to verify their effectiveness. Specifically, community sheds will be set up in Kumamoto Prefecture's Mizukami Village and Sapporo City, Hokkaido, to test their function as primary prevention systems for social isolation and loneliness. This will be assessed through field surveys and studies on psychological, neurological, and health aspects. Additionally, efforts are being made towards the social implementation of tools that visualize social connections and isolation risks among local residents. The goal is to build a primary prevention system that addresses social isolation and loneliness in the elderly through both practical and research approaches.
研究代表者 伊藤文人(東北大)
Principal Investigator Dr. Ayahito Ito (Tohoku Univ.)
本プロジェクトはコミュニティー・シェッド(Community Shed)を,熊本県水上村,続いて北海道札幌市でも立ち上げて効果検証を行い,そのノウハウを発信することで,全国に広げていくことを目標としています.また,今回のプロジェクトでは同時に社会的つながりを可視化できるツールを開発することで,社会的孤立や孤独のリスクのある方の早期発見,早期支援を可能にしたいと考えています.
Greetings from the Field Support Group Leader
This project aims to expand the "Community Shed" initiative nationally, starting with launches in Mizukami Village, Kumamoto Prefecture, and subsequently in Sapporo City, Hokkaido, to validate its effectiveness and share expertise. Additionally, the project focuses on developing tools for visualizing social connections, enabling early detection and support for individuals at risk of social isolation and loneliness. The team, led by Project Leader Ito and predominantly composed of qualified occupational therapists, also includes public health nurses, psychologists, and neuroscientists. Occupational therapists, who help individuals achieve a fulfilling life through meaningful activities, aim to utilize their knowledge and experience to ensure that the Community Sheds provide valuable activities and foster connections among participants.
フィールド支援グループリーダー 東 登志夫(長崎大)
Field support group leader Prof. Toshio Higashi (Nagasaki Univ.)
Greetings from the Sapporo CS Group Leader
We are active mainly in Sapporo City, Hokkaido, working with citizens to launch, operate, and validate the effectiveness of Community Sheds in the context of urban Japan. These sheds allow people to engage in activities of interest, either alone or with friends, in a relaxed environment. Managed democratically by the members themselves, we aspire to establish this community-led movement, which originated in Australia, in Japan as well. Our research and development are based on participatory action research, an approach that involves learning and creating new knowledge and ideas through dialogue with the community. This transcends the traditional one-way knowledge dissemination by academics, aiming to guide real communities towards improvement. We believe combining Community Sheds with this research approach can bring a new dynamic, and through this project, we seek to create new knowledge for learning, action, and transformative change.
札幌CSグループリーダー 髙島 理沙(北海道大)
Sapporo CS group leader Dr. Risa Takashima (Hokkaido Univ.)
熊本県水上村は人口2000人以下,高齢化率44%,過疎化も進み2020年ごろから生産年齢人口を老年人口が上回る農村地域です。 この水上村で,我々はシニア男性に焦点を当て,社会的孤立・孤独の一次予防としてコミュニティー・シェッドを立ち上げ,その効果を検証します。社会的孤立や孤独は現代の公衆衛生上大きな課題の一つであり,都市部だけではなく地方部においても,対策が必要な社会問題の一つです。 コミュニティー・シェッドでは,物作りなどの作業活動(木工・DIY・園芸など)を介して互いを意識し理解し合い,孤立・孤独に陥るのを防ぐことが狙いの一つです。もしかすると,参加者間に多くの会話などは必要無いかもしれません。私たち作業療法士は,作業を協業することで自然と生まれる「繋がり」が社会的孤立・孤独の一次予防に大きく寄与すると信じています。私たちは,このコミュニティー・シェッドが,男性の新しい社交の場となり,将来的には女性や若い世代も参加し,シェッドの活動において「誰もが生涯輝き続けられる場所」となることを目指します。
Greetings from the Mizukami village CS Group Leader
The village of Mizukami in Kumamoto Prefecture has a population of less than 2,000, with an aging rate of 44%, and since around 2020, it has been a rural area where the productive age population is surpassed by the elderly population. In this Mizukami village, we focus on senior men and set up a community shed as a primary prevention of social isolation and loneliness, and verify its effects. Social isolation and loneliness are one of the major public health issues of today, and it is a social issue that requires measures not only in urban areas but also in rural areas. One of the aims of the community shed is to prevent falling into isolation and loneliness by being aware and understanding each other through work activities such as woodworking, DIY, and gardening. Perhaps, there may not be much conversation needed among the participants. We occupational therapists believe that the "connection" naturally born by collaborating in work greatly contributes to the primary prevention of social isolation and loneliness. We aim for this community shed to become a new social place for men, and in the future, for women and younger generations to participate, and for the activities of the shed to be a place where "everyone can shine throughout their lives".
水上村CSグループリーダー 松尾 崇史(熊本保健科学大)
Mizukami village CS group leader Dr. Takashi Matsuo (Kumamoto University of Health Sciences)